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All news by: Anusha Ramraj

Malala Day

“How dare the Taliban take away my basic right to education?” … 11-year-old Malala Yousafzai as she delivered her first speech and spoke up against the closing of girls’ schools and education in Swat Pakistan.
Little did one know that her journey would be a testimony to the triumph of the human spirit … a story of Bravery, Strength, Courage and Defiance against the Taliban leading to a fight for greater peace, and becoming an advocator of free, safe and quality education for girls around the globe. Anusha Ramraj gives us insight into Malala Day.

International Women’s Day - 8 March 2021 #Choosetochallenge #IWD2021

Ever since Elizabeth Candy Stanton and Lucretia Mott gathered a few hundred people in 1848 to take a stand against oppression and gender inequality, a movement was born... their nation’s first Women’s Rights Convention in New York. They demanded social, civil, political and religious rights for women. 
This battle continued into the 1900s where a group of women stood up against their working conditions - historically referred to as the “garment workers’ strike” leading to the Socialist Party dedicating the First National Women’s Day to honour these brave women. Anusha Ramraj delves in deeper at this year’s theme #ChooseToChallenge #IWD2021